5 Things that can lead to a shy bunny:
.If you adopted a shy bun that was already owned, then it could possibly have been a past owner
.The way you approach cage could be wrong
.The way you hold her may be wrong
.If you have another pet (more on that later) then it may be that
.You're giving her the wrong care
Approaching the Cage:
When you approach your rabbit's cage door, approach it calmly. Say her name in a quiet voice.
Maybe offer her a treat. Say something like this, "Hi, Sunny, you want a treat? Hmmm? How 'bout that, Sunny? I'm gonna take you out now, OK?"
Adopting a bunny:
It may be helpful if you read my post on adoption. Also, when you adopt, ask the people who work there what bunny would be best for you and your family. Give bunny a nice quiet place to be when she comes home. Away from noise and other pets.
Holding Bunny:
I'll do a lesson on how to hold bunny later. The way you hold bunny makes her trust you, because she'll fell safer in your arms. No swinging her, or throwing her up in your arms! Bunny wont trust you if you do that.
If you have another pet:
I'll do a lesson how get animals along with bunny. When bunny comes home give her a SAFE PLACE for 2 weeks. Try to keep other animals away from bunny. Dogs should be watched over closely, as well as cats.
The wrong care:
Whether give her on a walks, put her in the pool, or played noisy songs, you need to think before you do.
I'll do lessons on all these things soon. So watch over bunny well!
Snowberry all snuggled up! |