Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Poop Issues

Yeah, I know it's rather gross. However, poop can tell how bunny's health is. So you know her poop health is you should daily check the litter box. I know you don't want to but it is your bunny. You need to take full responsibility.  Lets take a good look at some poop issues in bunny.

Small Poops:
My bunny because she is a dwarf rabbit has small poops anyway. However smaller then normal poop is bad. If this persists for more then 24 hr and/or that's all bunny is pooping then call your vet.

Diarrhea Poop:
Diarrhea is very serious. Bunny could have an issue in his stomach. This poop will be wet, and slimy. Give bunny more hay, no treats, and a little less veggies. Plenty of water and clean litter. If it continues for more then 24 hr and/or that's all bunny is pooping call your vet. 

Pearl Poops:
Pearl poops are poop strung together with fur. When bunny sheds the fur gets in her intestines and becomes entangled in her fur. This can cause a serious blockage and can make bunny stop pooping if left untreated . You can, however, treat this at home though! (If bunny is not pooping take her to the vet at once!) First, take bunny out and give her a good brushing (30min.). Then let her play for a good hour. If you have some papaya at home then good! If not not you can go to your local produce store and get one. Feed bunny one fresh cube of papaya two times a day until her poops get back to normal. NO SEEDS! THEY'RE TOXIC!!!!!
Its a good idea not to buy pet store papaya cubes because they sometimes have extra sugar added. Also the fresher the better and God made the fruit so its got just what bunny needs! ;) When you cut up the papaya you can put some in a plastic bag and freeze it for later use. (You can also give this to bunny when she has other poop troubles!

No Poops:
Obviously if you see no poop in bunny's litter box then you know somethings wrong. If bunny hasn't been pooping for more then 24 hours take her to the vet. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Perfect Bunny Home

All bunnies need a good secure cage to be in. This post will be about cage sizes, and safety.

A lot of people think that small bunnies need tiny cages. Wrong! All bunnies (no matter what size) need big cages. With at least 2 floor levels, and 3-5inch. of room above the head when bunny sits up. The cage needs to have plenty of room for bunny to move around in. This will help prevent sore hocks and chubbiness (more on health later). 

Bunny's cage must be safe for her to remain healthy and happy. Please avoid cages that are too small because bunny needs some good cage space. Wire flooring are bad for bunny because they can make bunny's feet bleed or very sore. Cages need to have a non-slippery floor and no sharp edges, mold, or broken wire.

Keeping bunny in a nice cage is a great thing! Bunny will enjoy life in a comfy, cozy, warm, dry cage.

My bunny LOVES her cage!