Lots of people live with no protection for their pets. So that doesn't mean that you should. If bunny gets lost, stolen, or you loose her during a bad storm you will soon realize what you needed to do.
What if bunny gets stolen?:
PREVENTION-Bunny should not be left outside alone. A rabbit hutch should be kept in an area not visible to the general public. She shouldn't be tied tied up outside like you would a dog. Don't take bunny out for a walk with no leash on and then turn your back. Lock your house and don't leave windows open while your gone. You could always install a camera in the yard where bunny is kept or in your house where bunny is in her cage.
WHAT IF IT DOES HAPPEN-You can file a police report. Don't wait too long though if you want to file one or it will take longer to address the problem. Put up signs in your neighborhood to let people know to watch for bunny and offer a reward.
What if bunny gets lost?:
PREVENTION-Rabbit proof your yard and make sure you watch bunny when she is out there. Don't leave bunny attended in your yard unless she is safely in her hutch/secure bunny pen. If you are walking her do not take her off of the harness. You can ask your vet if you can microchip bunny.
WHAT IF IT DOES HAPPEN-Put up signs in your neighborhood. Keep a look out for bunny. Safety note:Don't put a collar on bun.
Thankfully this rarely happens to rabbits. It is more common with dogs and cats.
Thankfully this rarely happens to rabbits. It is more common with dogs and cats.
If you never see bun again remember, its OK to be sad. Don't take it out on your family. If it is someones fault forgive them. Don't be bitter. If it is your fault for something don't kick yourself for it.
Remember the good times with bunny. Give thanks for the time you had with bunny.