If you keep bunny healthy then she can live a long and happy life! Bunnies need special care and have many needs. If you know what things can help keep her healthy then you can have her for a long time. Here are ways that you can make sure bunny stays happy and healthy.
Bunnies need an environment that doesn't have a ton of noise, no "enemy", and a cage in a good place. Noise can stress bunny out a lot so don't play loud music around her or have a party in the area her cage is in. Try to keep bunny's cage in a place that is not a main highway for your family but so she does have some time around you all so she doesn't get lonely. Put her cage in a place that has sunlight, but no direct sunlight. Also, make sure that if bunny lives outdoors there are no ways for her or anything else to come in or out. If bunny is kept outdoors make sure you bring her in for the night and take her inside if it is above 80 degrees or below 50 degrees. Make sure her cage is safe and secure.
Make sure that bunny gets a small amount of treats and fruit and a good amount of veggies and hay. Certain types of veggies are not good for bunny. Feed her a mixture of some greens 2x a day. Water is also important give her clean water with no chemicals or human water sweeteners. If you feed bunny pellets only give them to her once a day and in a small amount.
Bunny needs at least 2-3hrs of playtime a day. Bunny also needs safe toys in her cage to encourage playing. Beware of toys that have lots of dye in them. Some of the chemicals in the dye can be toxic to her. Give bunny some empty toilet paper rolls to chew on. They are safe toys and good for her teeth health. Let bunny play on floor that is not slippery. She shouldn't play on carpet that she could chew. Never give her a box filled with sand, newspaper, or cat litter to dig in. She should also have plenty of things to hop over and climb on to encourage fun play and exercise.
Give bunny a daily health check to see if anything is wrong. If you notice that bunny seems sick or depressed then take her to the vet. You can also take bunny to the vet once every 3 months for a check up or whenever you feel the need to.