Thursday, July 21, 2016

Dealing With an Overweight Bunny

It is all too common for bunnies to become overweight. A long time ago people thought that a chubby bunny was a healthy bunny. We know now that this is wrong. However, many people still have chubby bunnies. And unfortunately this means a shorter lifespan for bunny, unnecessary health issues, and laziness.
It is very important that you keep bunny healthy if you want her to live a good, happy life. You can help keep bunny from getting overweight. If you have a chubby bunny you can use these steps to help bunny lose weight.

How to tell if bunny is overweight:
.Gently rub your hands over bunny. You should be able to feel her ribs without a thick layer of fat over them. 
.The dewlap should not interfere with bunny's grooming.
.If bunny seems lazy, having trouble sitting up, or has a hard time playing for long periods of time, then she may be overweight.

How to help keep bunny at a healthy weight:
.Take bunny out of her cage to play everyday for at least 1 hour 2-3x a day.
ALL bunnies need big cages (even dwarf rabbits). If bunny spends long periods of time in her cage she needs a larger space to play in and lots of fun toys, ramps, and things to play on! (HAVING A BIG CAGE DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN'T TAKE BUNNY OUT TO PLAY OUTSIDE HER CAGE)!
.Feed bunny the proper amount of pellets. Pellets can very easily make bunny fat (even healthier brands).
.Give bunny hay and water 24/7
.Feed bunny healthy greens 1-2x a day.
.Don't give bunny a ton of treats.  Bunny should only get treats a few times a week and in small amounts. 
.Do not feed bunny any kind of non-rabbit food or any kind of "fiesta" style bunny chow you see at pet stores. These are often filled with bad food for bunny and are laden with sugar and chemicals. 
.You can talk to your vet to see what else you can do for bunny.


A happy, healthy bunny. 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Remembering Snowberry

On July 14 2016 at around 11:30pm, 1 month before her 8th birthday, little Snowberry went to heaven in her mommy's loving arms.

An old little lady bunny. She was a happy and otherwise healthy girl other than her arthritis. She never had any dental disease, or other illnesses all her life.

A strong and terrible stroke which left her confused, in pain, and unable to stand. My mother and I rushed her to emergency vet care. It became clear that she would not survive the ordeal. We decided to end her pain by letting her be put to sleep in my arms. The same way I brought her home. Safe in my arms, I escorted her home to be with Jesus and my many other beloved pets who have moved on.
She is snuggled up in my baby blanket she chewed up after all these years, in a small white box, buried safely in the yard she so loved to play in. Under some growing flowers and some roses we put there.

8 years of habits to break. Filling the hay rack and water bottle. Cleaning the cage. Taking her out to play in the yard. Feeding her her most favorite food in the world- cilantro! Walking into the kitchen expecting to see a little white bunny in there.

If love could have saved her she would have lived forever.

I know that I'll see her again. It's goodbye for now. Not forever.

My wonderful, precious, little baby! Such a special gift from God! 8 happy, fun years. I'll miss her forever. My darling little Fuzz-Butt. You'll be in my heart always.

"Every good and perfect gift is from God." James 1:17

Mommy's baby girl. xoxo