Monday, July 29, 2013

Fun For You: A Quiz

You wanna see how much you now know? Take this Fun Bun Quiz #1 to see!

Mark on a sheet of paper what number point you got, then add 'em up and see your score! All right answers are worth 3 points. If you get the question wrong then you don't get that point. You can look back on previous posts to see the answer, but try not to. Good luck!

Bunny's cage should be cleaned:
A.Every other day
B.Once every week
C.Every day

Bunny should not have a cage with:
A.Wire floor

Bunny should have spinach:
A.2x a week
B.Every day

Bunny should ******* swim for exercise

Bunny can have:
A.Pine litter
B.Sawdust litter
C.Paper Pulp litter

Bunny should be indoors if the weather is over:
A.85 degrees
B.66 degrees
C.45 degrees

Bunny should exercise
A.30min. in a day
B.2 hours
C.3 hours

Bunny should be brushed:
A.Every day
B.Once a week
C.5 days a week for 45min.

I'll make another Fun Bun Quiz for you, but I wanna know...........How did you do? 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bunny's Health: Fear Attacks

Whenever bunny hears a loud noise or something that she is not used to, bunny may get so scared that she could die! It happens. So it is best to know how to prevent it and first-aid in case it does happen.

.When bunny first comes home after adoption, give her quiet corner for two weeks. Then carefully introduce her to noisy parts of your house.
.Don't play loud music when bunny is around.
.Watch bunny when she plays outside in case planes come and are loud. (Or birds. Bunny should always be in a pen when outside).
.Be careful of loud crashes, bangs, or just any commotion.
Note: Stress can make bunny very sick. If bunny is new or shy then put her in another room. Don't let to many people see or hold bunny.

Signs of Fear Attack:
.Bunny flattens herself against the floor.
.Bunny's pupils are wide.
.She has very rapid breathing. (Possibly shallow.)
.She screams.
.She may pass out.

What to do:
Go up to bunny calmly with a small towel. Kneel down beside her and slowly cover her with the towel.
Get her inside to a dark room. Put her in a tub tipped sideways and put her on it. Then put blanket over it. Offer her a treat. Put her in her cage with a blanket over it. You might want to consider having a little "play hideout" in her cage.
If bunny has passed out then do the same until she wakes. If she doesn't wake in 30min. call the vet.
My Snowberry.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cleaning Bunny's Cage

Yes, it is your job. NOT your parent's, sister's, or brother's job. Your job. It is not as gross as you may think it is, and after you do it for along time it becomes almost second-nature. If you clean out bunny's cage daily (as you should) then it not very disgusting at all.

Cleaning Bunny's Cage:
1.To clean bunny's cage you'll need a plastic glove,plastic bag,a small broom meant just for this reason, and warm water (optional).
2.Sweep out any stray litter from around the bunny cage and put it in the bag. (Save all good hay off the floor!)
3.Put on your glove and pick up all pee and poop in the litter box.
4.Refill the the empty spot from the yucky litter with good new litter.
5.Take out bunny's tray/box and wash it (2x weekly).
6.If there are any extra pee spots outside the litter box, then spray with warm water. NO other type of spay!

At first it'll seem gross but soon it wont be so bad.
Nice and clean.

3 FAQs

Here are some commonly asked questions.

Q:Can I walk bunny?
A:As long as you are VERY careful then OK. If you live on a busy street then I would say no. If you do take bunny on a walk then give her secure harness. Keep her away from dogs and junk. You can let people pet bunny but be careful. Also mind the heat outside in the summer.

Q:How many times a week can bunny have treats?
A:At least 2x a week. If you have a chubby bunny then avoid all treats for a week or so. 

Q:I want to have a pool party. Can bunny come in the pool with me?
A:NO. Although bunnies are really good swimmers, they only reserve that for running away from danger. Bunny might get hurt from all that swimming and the chemicals are bad for her. No making bunny come in the shower with you either. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Bunny's Health:The Cubby Bunny

Chubby bunnies are usually lazy bunnies. A chubby bunny will have many health issues.
Things that can lead to a chubby bunny~A bunny that lives in a small cage will not get enough exercise and could be a problem. To many pellets or treats. (Bunny should ALWAYS have hay no matter how chubby he is)! Having a lazy bunny is a problem too.

How to prevent a chubby bunny~If your rabbit is not chubby then good! To keep bunny from getting chubby give bunny exercise, healthy food, and should be taken well care of if he is lazy.

What to do with an already chubby bunny~Don't right away take his pellets from him, you have to slowly wean him off or even give him less. Get him out to play! Find toys that he likes and coax him with some healthy treats. Give him an hour as a start. Then over time let him have more time as he will begin to get more healthy and be more hoppy. Read the post on laziness please since most chubby bunnies are lazy.

If you want to weigh bunny then put him on a bathroom scale (you could even have the vet weigh him). If he is not still then hold bunny and weigh yourself. Write it down. Then weigh just yourself. Write that down. Subtract what you weighed with what you and bunny weighed together. Then you'll get his weight. Write that down also.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Bunny's Health:Fur Poops in Bunny

Poop tells many things. So always check the litter box. Here is a common problem in bunnies (mostly in long-haired rabbits).

This type of stool looks like normal poop except it has fur strung together in it. Bunnies shed a lot so bunny should be brushed every day for at least 20 or 30 minuets. The fur gets stuck in her tummy when she grooms herself. If you see even one of these poops in bunny's cage, then ASAP take bunny out of the cage and brush her. Also let bunny exercise. Then cut up some fresh papaya. (Try to avoid store bought cubes. Fresh papaya is also cheeper!)
Give bunny a cube of it. The papaya will help brake down anything stuck in bunny. Like fur or litter that got stuck in her digestive tract. If bunny shows other signs of illness, then take her to the vet.
If this type of poop continues for two days after you've treated it or bunny won't poop at all then to the vet you go! But the papaya should work to help bunny out.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Grooming Bunny

Grooming bunny is lots of fun. Bunny will enjoy this if you do all this correctly.

.A good bunny brush
.A bin of nice luke-warm water.
.Nail clippers. (A vet can do it if you want).
.Two small towel.
.A flea brush (optional).

Do not give bunny a "bath" unless bunny sits in his litter box and has poop encrusted on his bottom.
You can avoid this by giving bunny a larger cage and clean his cage every day!

1.Lay bunny on one towel and gently massage her ears.
2.Brush bunny for 20min very carefully. You should do this every day.
3.Hold bunny in a towel and have someone clip her nails. If bunny struggles don't clip! Have a vet do it.
4.Fill up the bin of luke-warm water.
5.Dip bunny (only her bottom) in the bin. Then use your fingers to get any poop off.
6.Dry bunny with a towel. DO NOT USE A HAIR-DRYER!!
Happy 4th of July!