Friday, May 30, 2014

Handling Bunny's Sweet Tooth

All bunnies have a sweet tooth. Some have more of a sweet tooth than others, though.
Making sure bunny has healthy food is essential. Good food keeps bunny strong, and happy. Too many treats will make bunny sick, chubby, and she may end up with health issues and die at an early age.
What you may think isn't a treat and is just a "healthy snack" might not be.

Common things that people call "rabbit friendly food" are any kind of rabbit "fiesta" mix and pellets (depending on the brand). "Rabbit friendly" fiesta mix often has things that are bad for bunnies. They have things like seeds, extra sugar, and honey. Never feed bunny something that isn't meant for rabbits! Pellets were meant to get bunnies fat. Yup. That is the truth. Now, however, pellets are made better and healthier. Still, if you give bunny too much of even a good brand, she could get chubby. If bunny has never had pellets before, then don't give them to her. Pellets are generally pretty sweet (even fairly good pellet brands) so bunnies like them as treats. A bunny should be given pellets only once a day. A large bunny can have have 1/2 a cup. A small bunny can have a 1/4 cup. I only give Snowberry 3tsp. because she is extremely lazy. I know that she would get chubby overnight if I gave her more than that!

Good treats for bunny are carrot tops and carrots (half a carrot is good for a big bunny, a baby carrot is good for a small bunny). Apple slices, and papaya chunks are healthy and great. (No seeds for either fruit as they're toxic)! Don't buy fancy store bought papaya chunks, buy the papaya at a store where it is cheaper.

Papaya is a very healthy sweet treat for bunnies. The papaya is good for poop health and digestive health. Papaya is a great first aid for pearl poops. 
You can buy papaya at the store, cut it up into small cubes, and then freeze some in the freezer. If you freeze them then you can thaw some out if you want to give them too her. Do not feed bunnies the seeds of papaya as they are toxic!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Signs of Poor Health

Bunnies don't like to show it when their sick. Because of this it can be very hard to tell if bunny is sick.
It doesn't matter how well you know bunny, she'll hide as best he can. There are things we'll never know about our bunnies (and people!) no matter how well we know them. However, knowing bunny well can help you to identify bad health in bunny.

Know Your Bunny's Likes:
By recognizing what bunny likes you can see if poor health affects that. Does she like to eat and is not eating? Does she love to hop and play and is suddenly too weak to play? You get the idea, right?

Know Your Bunny's Behavior:
If you know how bunny behaves around certain people, noises, and/or situations you can see how her behavior will be affected by poor health. Does she like to be around people and suddenly is lethargic? Is she most often happy and sweet and now seems aggressive and depressed? Seeing her behavior change rapidly is bound to give you a clue.

Call Your Vet If You See These Changes:
.Not eating anything or vomiting up food**
.Lethargic, not responsive or sitting in a hunched position**
.Not pooping or peeing (ALWAYS check the litter box)**
.Diarrhea, mushy poop, or peral poops**
.Poops that are strangely small*
.Hard, doughy stomach**
.Rapid and/or labored breathing** Do not wait! Go to emergency vet care ASAP!
.Loud tooth grinding (either a sign of pain or a happy "purr")*
.Coughing, rasping, sneezing, and labored breathing*/**
.Overgrown front teeth, or lumps along the jaw**
.Discharge from nose and eyes*
.Straining to pee and poop and/or  peeing or pooping blood**
.Scabs, wax or crusty stuff around ear*
.Non lop rabbit with a flopping ear**
.Head tilt, difficulty balance, sudden weakness,** Do not wait! Go to emergency vet care ASAP!
.Sore hocks (red swelling on heels. change litter brand and clean cage more often)*
.Dandruff (possible fur mites)*
.Unable to lift head or support herself. Falling over. Do not wait! Go to emergency vet care ASAP!

**=Needs to be taken to the vet within 5hrs or ASAP.
 *=Needs watching. If it doesn't go away or gets worse then go to the vet within 12-24hrs.

Please view later posts on some of these health issues in detail.

And no----She REALLY didn't eat the cake!!!!!!