Monday, July 8, 2013

Bunny's Health:Fur Poops in Bunny

Poop tells many things. So always check the litter box. Here is a common problem in bunnies (mostly in long-haired rabbits).

This type of stool looks like normal poop except it has fur strung together in it. Bunnies shed a lot so bunny should be brushed every day for at least 20 or 30 minuets. The fur gets stuck in her tummy when she grooms herself. If you see even one of these poops in bunny's cage, then ASAP take bunny out of the cage and brush her. Also let bunny exercise. Then cut up some fresh papaya. (Try to avoid store bought cubes. Fresh papaya is also cheeper!)
Give bunny a cube of it. The papaya will help brake down anything stuck in bunny. Like fur or litter that got stuck in her digestive tract. If bunny shows other signs of illness, then take her to the vet.
If this type of poop continues for two days after you've treated it or bunny won't poop at all then to the vet you go! But the papaya should work to help bunny out.

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